So, it's been a while since I've had a blog. And by a while, I mean years and years. I figured, with me moving away for college here in a couple weeks, this *might* be an easy way for people to keep up with events in my life and just exactly whats going on and how I feel about them.
I don't know how often I will actually update this thing, or even if people will actually read it. I will *try*, huge emphasis on try, to update it every couple of days. It may be with a story, some insight that I have, or it could just be some song lyrics that I've had in my head for a while that I personally think help me with life.
The main point in this first post will be the last one, lyrics. This song has been online for a while but the actual album was just released today. The song is Robots 3 Humans 0 by Norma Jean off of their new album The Anti Mother.
Robots 3 Humans 0
Open that door, I'll follow you into that place
Where nothing is regretted, then forgotten
Where is that grace? That carries me out
So strange it's mine
It's closed and locked, but if you open that door it won't be....
Yesterday when, before the days of collapsing
I'll stand through all these lines
Just to make it back to You
Can You help me every step of the way?
We can bury that battle and bury the cause
There is nothing that I can say
Because I was wrong this time
Everyone knows cause they see the glare in our eyes
Careful now, don't don't drown yourself in sorrow
I was the one that built that cross and weighed You down
And now I'll carry on til it's over....and it's over
And if you open that door it will be......
Yesterday when, before the days of collapsing
I'll stand through all these lines
Just to make it back to You
Can You help me every step of the way?
We can bury that battle and bury the cause
There is nothing that I can say
Because I was wrong this time
It really stands out for some reason. Maybe because it's a change in Norma Jean's vocal style for the song, or maybe it's the fact that the fourth line in the chorus is asking God for His help with every step in our life. That's what I'm needing, and always needing I'm realizing.
It's only a week and a half until I move to Bowling Green for college and every day I'm beginning to see that during this season of my life, I'm going to need God more than I ever have.
It'll be tough, but I know I can handle as long as God is with me.
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